Business Etiquette

Presenting ourselves properly and powerfully is the key to professional success. In this all-inclusive course, we cover essential workplace success skills such as:

  • Impressive Interviewing: As professionals, the job interview is one of the most important opportunities we have to make a great first impression and showing up prepared is essential. In this in-depth session, participants will learn everything from how to dress for an interview to handling challenging questions with confidence.
  • Wardrobe and Image: To be taken seriously and seen as a professional, we must dress and look the part. We’ll discuss appropriate clothing choices for the office and after-work functions to ensure participants show up for every event looking and feeling their absolute best.
  • Effective Communication: What we say and how we say it are keys to success in the workplace. Whether it’s a 30-second elevator pitch or presenting ideas and information in a meeting with management, this session covers how to communicate clearly and confidently.
  • Social Media: social media is not simply about connecting with friends and family–it is a permanent, and public, reflection of who we are. As professionals, it’s imperative to be mindful of how and what we share on the internet. This session covers the do’s and don’ts of social media usage, how to manage and protect our professional reputations online, and using social media platforms effectively to build professional relationships.
  • Fine Dining Etiquette: When the boss or a colleague extends an invitation to lunch or dinner, every professional must know how to conduct themselves and make a great impression. This session teaches table etiquette and proper protocols for sitting, eating, drinking, and handling conversations with ease.

We are here to empower you with the social graces, etiquette skills, and confidence you need to take your place in the world and make your mark.